All runners must comply with the following rules:
- The three stages are mandatory; all runners must participate in all three stages without exception. Anyone who does not start in Stage 1 will be automatically disqualified, without the possibility of participating in the following stages or accessing the camps.
- The bib number must be visible at all times.
- The official shirt must be worn. Those runners who cannot use the official shirt must submit a formal request to the Race Jury explaining the reasons. The Race Jury will issue a resolution in each case.
- Runners must have the required equipment with them in all stages of the race.
- It is prohibited the use of ropes not originally part of the backpack to pull your partner or another participant.
- It is prohibited for competitors in the race to be assisted by external help.
- Runners can only receive help from other competitors or the organization.
- It is prohibited to physically or verbally abuse any member of the organization staff.
- During the race, a runner can only overtake another runner on the left and by announcing it in advance.
- Those who are ahead of the runners trying to overtake them must give way.
- Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in penalties or disqualification of the runner.
- The race bag must be delivered on the day before the start at the place and time determined by the organization. If you do not comply and the organization is able to transport it, there will be a fine of USD 15 (fifteen dollars). It is not permitted to carry objects outside the bag.
- The organization cannot be held responsible for lost items during the race, including transfers between stages, trails, camps, or items forgotten in the tents.
Intentional shortcut that represents significant advantage | DISQUALIFICATION | - |
Missing timing chip | NO CLASSIFICATION | - |
Refusing a mandatory equipment check | 5 HOURS | - |
Not having the required equipment | 1 HOUR | FOR EACH ITEM |
Not using the official shirt | 1 HOUR | EXCEPT IN CASES AUTHORIZED BY THE RACE JURY |
Receive external assistance other than that provided by the organization and other competitors | TO BE EVALUATED BY THE RACE JURY | - |
Voluntarily littering along the route | 1 HOUR | - |
The Organization will set time limits to complete each stage, ensuring safety and orderly competition development. Based on these times, specific cut-off points will be defined, which will be final and mandatory..
Each stage will have a pre-established cut-off point, occurring after 70% of the stage. Additional cut-offs may be implemented based on the time limit and elevation gain.
For this edition, the time limit will be 15 minutes per kilometer, and the organization may extend this time in case of bad weather (previous rains, storms, mud, snow) or bottlenecks.
Runners reaching cut-off points after the established time will not be allowed to continue the stage. They must stop and may be transported by the organization to the Camp. This transport will incur a fee to avoid complaints about waiting times.
Those who do not reach the cut-off point on time will receive an alternative medal since the El Cruce 2025 medal will be exclusive to those who complete all 3 stages
Participants who fail to reach the cut-off point for any reason will be considered as withdrawn. (See more information in the following section)
If you believe you cannot meet this requirement, we suggest preparing for next year's edition or participating in La Etapa, which offers distances of 15 km and 33 km.
It is very important to arrive at the race in excellent physical condition and mentally prepared for the challenge over the 3 days.
Withdrawals during Stages:
Participants who, for any reason, do not reach the pre-established cut-off points or decide not to continue can withdraw at control points offering organizational transport or make their own way to Villa La Angostura (unless unable to do so).
Withdrawals at Camps:
Runners who decide not to start stage 2 or 3 must inform the Information Tent to be transported to Villa La Angostura.
For both withdrawal scenarios:
- The Organization will not have a vehicle available for immediate transport to Villa La Angostura, and there may be long waits.
- The runner's bag will be available from 7 p.m. at Cef7.
- Accommodation and food expenses will be the participant's responsibility.
- Withdrawn participants will NOT receive the El Cruce medal.
Notwithstanding the mandatory medical certificate required by the organization, each participant registers under their own responsibility and is the only one to judge the convenience of participating in the competition and continuing, with full knowledge of the risks that the development of the competition may entail. They release the organizer and sponsoring company in advance from all criminal and civil liability in the event of bodily and material accidents that may occur during El Cruce.
The Organization reserves the right, after consulting with the medical staff, to prohibit a competitor or team, both from starting the competition and, if necessary, continuing it, if in the Organization's opinion there is a risk to their health. In case of injuries, the Organization will be responsible for transfers to the nearest hospital. All expenses for medications, additional transfers, hospitalizations, and surgical interventions will be the responsibility of the participant/runner. The organization is not responsible for the behavior of competitors or teams that do not respect the laws of Argentina.
The images obtained during the competition may be used by the Club de Corredores and sponsoring companies for the purpose of promoting and advertising the event and/or associated products. Competitors who agree to participate in EL CRUCE will not have the right to make claims. The Organization has full powers to shorten the course for participants who are behind the race average.
Quienes deseen contratar los servicios de logística, la organización hará de nexo sobre estos servicios.
Aquellos interesados en inscribirse en El Cruce abonando únicamente el costo de inscripción, sin incluir los servicios de logística, deberán contratar dichos servicios externamente, a través de las empresas proveedoras designadas por la organización. Además, será necesario verificar estos servicios con el área administrativa correspondiente. Es importante que tengan todos los servicios contratados a fin de no tener inconvenientes en la montaña .
The Organization has the authority to:
- Modify the established route
- Stop the race in case of inclement weather or other impediment that prevents its normal development
- Divert the course of the runners in case of difficulties in the terrain, inclement weather, and unexpected events
- Due to the characteristics and conditions of the event, it is subject to force majeure events. Eg: earthquakes / floods / closures of National Parks, among others. The organization reserves the right to change the venue and/or the routes, postpone, suspend, or cancel the event. The decision will be made by the organization based on the circumstances and events that arise, and will be duly communicated to the registrants. In the event of postponement, suspension, or cancellation of the event due to force majeure reasons, the amount paid by the participant may be transferred to the next edition. The date of the same will be set and communicated after the postponement, suspension, cancellation, or it may be used in any of the following three editions of said race. The amounts paid will NOT be refundable under any circumstances, nor transferable to other participants.
The registration for El Cruce implies acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in this regulation, which participants expressly declare to know.
I understand El Cruce is an extreme adventure race and this can be very risky. I am fully aware of the rigor and risks involved in participating in it, including the physical challenge of the long distance, the difficulty of the terrain, and the potential inclement weather. I voluntarily participate in this race assuming personal responsibility for the dangers that may arise from such events, including but not limited to the risk of accidents, injuries, fractures, losses, and even the risk of death. I am aware of the accidents that may occur during the race and assume all risks. I declare and confirm that I have the physical preparation, equipment, and appropriate training for this type of race, that I am competent for the activities I will perform, and that I do not suffer from any illness, ailment, and/or disability that may prevent my participation in strenuous and dangerous activities. I agree to submit a physical fitness certificate and an ergometry test. Likewise, I declare that I have been informed about the dangers of poor and/or overhydration, the risks of hypothermia, and confirm that I will take precautionary measures to prevent these risks. I declare that I have valid medical coverage in Argentina, the details of which will be provided to the organization. In the event of an accident, I authorize the organization to provide medical assistance and to be transferred to the nearest health facility, with all expenses incurred from that moment forward being my sole responsibility for my medical care and/or transfer and/or treatment at any other health facility. I authorize and assign rights to the organization and/or sponsoring companies to use the images, photos, videos, and voices obtained during the competition and accreditation days for the purpose of promoting and advertising the event and/or associated products in Argentina and around the world. I understand that public emergencies may cause the cancellation or SUSPENSION of the event, as well as that the organization has full powers to shorten the course for teams that are behind the race average and/or modify the established route and/or, in the event of an emergency with any participant, prevent them from continuing with the race. I declare that I have carefully read each of the points indicated above, as well as the content of the El Cruce website.
( ). In consideration to be accepted in El Cruce, I assume total and personal responsibility for my health and safety, and, I, on behalf of myself and my assignees, heirs, legatees, and successors – collectively heirs – agree to hold harmless and waive any kind of claim against Club de Corredores Asociación Civil and/or ST Producciones S.A. and/or Sebastián Rafael Tagle and/or Saucony and/or BRAKU S.A. and/or Wolverine World Wide and/or the competition sponsors and/or the provincial, national, or municipal governments and/or any third party that has collaborated with the organization and/or any other natural or legal person that has had primary or secondary involvement in the organization of the event referred to. Due to the characteristics and conditions of the event, it is subject to force majeure events. Eg: earthquakes / floods / closures of National Parks, among others. The organization reserves the right to change the venue and/or the routes, postpone, suspend, or cancel the event. The decision will be made by the organization based on the circumstances and events that arise, and communicated to the registrants. In the event of postponement, suspension, or cancellation of the event due to force majeure reasons to the organization, the amount paid by the participant may be transferred to the new edition. The date of the same will be set and communicated after the postponement, suspension, cancellation, or it may be used in any of the next three editions of said race. The amount already paid will NOT be refundable under any circumstances, nor transferable to another participant.
The certificado médico deberá tener una fecha posterior al 6 de diciembre de 2024 to be considered valid. Each runner must upload a certificate to using the option "profile" or "utilities".Once completed, it will be validated by the organization.