The race was born with the goal of crossing the Andes, connecting Argentina and Chile. Since the Andes mountain range offers numerous passes through which both countries can be united, the route has changed every year, always maintaining unique geographical settings in the world. Today, the original spirit is preserved through the continuous search for innovation in the routes and the pursuit of unparalleled geographical settings for the development of El Cruce.

The locations where the event takes place boast unparalleled beauty. Runners traverse mountains and volcanoes, snowy peaks, forests, lakes, valleys, and rocky areas.
Despite taking place during the summer, the climatic variations are enormous. Some editions have been accompanied by days of spectacular sunshine, with temperatures that can reach 20º. C. Others, however, face runners with truly adverse weather situations that can include cold, snow, intense winds and heavy rain.
Because of all this, the physical demand on the runners is enormous and requires intense prior training. It is a race for those who love adventure and are willing to face 3 days of running and living amidst the mountains, enduring all the challenges that it entails.

While it is an extreme adventure race, it manages to attract a vast number of runners from around the world. In the last edition, over 4000 runners from 42 different countries participated, a true record for a 3-day mountain race.
Among the runners are men and women of various ages, mostly amateurs, and some elite runners, all sharing a passion for embarking on an adventure that will test their own limits.
The effort and dedication of time, energy, and resources demanded by the race make for intense emotions and create unforgettable memories.
Organizing a sports event of this magnitude is not simple. A team of more than 30 people works diligently in the months leading up to the race, growing to more than 900 during the race days. Their priority is to fine-tune all the details and provide runners with all the necessary services to make their experience easier and more enjoyable. From meals to setting up camps, providing hydration, and handling transfers, everything requires significant human effort and coordination, especially because it takes place in high mountain areas, isolated from any urban center.
The safety of the runners is a priority for the organization. Throughout the race, the advice of a renowned sports doctor is available to address the runners' inquiries and, if necessary, decide whether someone can continue or not. In case of an emergency, ambulances and helicopters are available for rescues and transfers.
All these characteristics make El Cruce a unique race in the world.